
Vickie Garrett
Sep 3, 20217 min read
9 Tips for Buying and Selling Your Home at the Same Time
Check out my latest article for my top 9 tips on how to make a smooth transition from your old home into a new one.

Vickie Garrett
Jul 1, 20214 min read
How to Bridge the Appraisal Gap in Today’s Real Estate Market
It's more important than ever to understand the appraisal process and how it can be impacted by a rapidly changing market.

Vickie Garrett
Apr 1, 20217 min read
Can I Buy or Sell a Home Without a Real Estate Agent?
Find out whether the benefits outweigh the risks of selling or buying a home on your own.

Vickie Garrett
Sep 1, 20196 min read
Renters for a Weekend or a While: What’s the Best Use of Your Investment Property?
In this post, I examine the differences between the two investment strategies and the benefits and limitations of each category.

Vickie Garrett
Nov 1, 20179 min read
Real Estate Relocation Guide: 7 Steps to a Seamless Move
Whatever your reasons are for relocating to a new area, the process can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re moving across town or across...

Vickie Garrett
Apr 1, 20178 min read
Why Real Estate Investing Makes (Dollars and) Sense
In this post, I'll examine the tried & true tactics that can be used to increase your income, pay off debt, or even fund your retirement!