
Vickie Garrett
4 days ago8 min read
Home-Related Tax Deductions
Read this post for common home-related tax deductions, eligibility requirements, and tips on how to maximize your savings.

Vickie Garrett
Jan 8, 20247 min read
Real Estate Market Forecast: Opportunities for Home Buyers and Sellers in 2024
Information on the current state of the housing market, the potential opportunities for buyers & sellers, & economists' predictions for 2024

Vickie Garrett
Mar 2, 20226 min read
Hedge Against Inflation With These 4 Real Estate Investment Types
The inflation rate in the US is currently 7.5%. Here’s what you need to know about inflation & how an investment in real estate can help.

Vickie Garrett
Sep 1, 20196 min read
Renters for a Weekend or a While: What’s the Best Use of Your Investment Property?
In this post, I examine the differences between the two investment strategies and the benefits and limitations of each category.

Vickie Garrett
Apr 1, 20178 min read
Why Real Estate Investing Makes (Dollars and) Sense
In this post, I'll examine the tried & true tactics that can be used to increase your income, pay off debt, or even fund your retirement!